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The Girl in a Cafe

Loving Books Since Before It Was Cool! All reviews can also be found on my main blog!

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Bram Stoker
On the Jellicoe Road
Melina Marchetta
Touching the Surface
Kimberly Sabatini
The Darkest Minds
Alexandra Bracken
Team Human
Justine Larbalestier, Sarah Rees Brennan
Melissa Darnell
Samantha Durante
Not a Drop to Drink
Mindy McGinnis

Soul Ties (Soul Ties, #1)

Soul Ties (Soul Ties, #1) - Lisa  Swallow English university = hot English accents (in my mind). Great debut from a local author, almost squealed my pants off when I found out she was from Perth! Eagerly looking forward to the next book. Why is it that I much prefer New Adult when it's not contemporary? Oh yeah, because there's actually a plot attached to it.This book nailed everything on the head. Steamy looks and touches, forbidden romance, suspense and the general feeling of just wanting to know more.And on a side note - is that the guy who played Kane on Home and Away on the cover?????