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The Girl in a Cafe

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Destiny Gift - Juliana Haygert I knew Destiny Gift was going to be good. I just wasn't prepared for how totally awesome it was.Surely I should have known, seeing as the setting has three of my favourite things - New York, the future and mythology. And did I mention hot guys? Get ready to put your swooning shoes on ladies.What makes Destiny Gift so brilliant is the completely original idea that Juliana has created. Yes, it's New Adult. Yes, there's college. Yes, there's hot guys. But the catch is, there's no sex. The relationships are all built on learning and understanding and this undeniable sexual tension that occurs between Nadine and Victor. It's the looks, the touches that count, and boy that makes me squee like a little girl.Firstly, the world. Oh man, it's like my biggest wet dream ever. Set in the future in a perpetual darkness, Nadine is trying to come to terms with the fact that she is going a bit cuckoo because she's in love with the guy she only sees in her dreams and visions. Then the visions start getting worse, and even still, a bit more apocalyptic.But New York, in complete darkness? A generation that's never seen the sun? Gimme gimme gimme. Then comes the big twist (which I'll try not to say too much about) - GODS. Juliana has created her own mythology. Uh, YES? Is that not just for the win?? The whole concept was just completely amazing, and I have to give kudos to not just people who can twist mythology into a story, but make their own as well.Destiny Gift was crafted just perfectly. There was a bit of everything, and nothing ever lagged in the story, at least not for me. I adored all the interactions between Victor and Nadine, especially at the start when he sees her as just a 'WTF is this chick on' moment? And I especially love that he just doesn't accept what Nadine is telling him about their dream-relationship to get into her pants or anything. I loved that there's no instant love between these characters - even Nadine, who's completely smitten with the Victor of her dreams is level-headed enough to be able to understand that love comes from being with someone over time - and she almost resigns herself to that fact.Nadine was an incredibly likable heroine. She wasn't perfect, she had her flaws and she was a bit timid, but she also had spark and a brain. Which I like, when it comes to my female characters. Sure, she's slightly obsessed with Victor in dream-life and sad that Victor-in-real-life isn't as into her as the other one, but girl has bigger problems to worry about, and Nadine shows that she's not dependent on a guy to live her life (like other NA females can be like).What I also loved was that the story wasn't just about how there were two guys in Nadine's life and she has to pick between the two. Sure, it's a major part on whole, but the love triangle doesn't take control of the entire story line.In the beginning, I thought that Micah was a bit of a sleazy ass bad guy, but as time went on, and especially at the end, my heart kind of broke into two. I think (without giving away too much) Micah knew he'd never really have a shot with Nadine, especially seeing who he was when put up against Victor. Gah, just thinking about it now makes me want to cry. And scream out for more.And then there was Victor, elusive to the max.Victor was amazing. I have lots of dreams about gorgeous, hunky guys that are sweet and sensitive and broody BUT NONE OF THEM ARE REAL. I WANT A VICTOR. #tantrumensues Anyway, enough of that. Victor was, in a nutshell, a gentlemen. But God, he broke my heart.Seriously, people. You have to read this book. It's awesome. I am still completely blown away with it, and all I know is that I want more, more and more. Reaching the 100% mark on my Kindle app and I was a complete wreck because all I wanted was to find out what happens next. That ending seriously broke me, and I think that if you read it, we could share in the pain and torture that Juliana has inflicted on us.Don't overlook this one. Seriously, if you know what's good for you. Read it, devour it, enjoy it. This seriously has to be one of the best New Adult novels I've read, and it needs to be recognized for what it is: a bloody fantastic novel.